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The Royan Institute held their second cryobiology and biobanking symposium on Feb. 14, 2018, in Tehran, Iran.
The Royan Institute was established in 1991 as a public non-profit research institute for reproductive biomedicine and infertility treatments. Today Royan consists of three research institutes:
The International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) is pleased to announce the release of the ISBER Best Practices, Fourth Edition.
President, Jason Acker, presents President-Elect, Dayong Gao with the CryoFellow Medal at CRYO2017.
The 2018 CryoFellows Nominations Committee is now soliciting nominations for the appointment of new CryoFellows. This Committee, consisting of three members of the Board of Governors and two CryoFellows, evaluates the nominations and makes recommendations to the Board for approval of new Fellows.
Jan 30: Nominations Open
April 30: Nominations Close
Week of April 30: Board to vote on nominations at Q2 meeting
July 12: Presentation of Fellow medal at CRYO2018 (dependent on Fellow availability)
The Society for Cryobiology established an award and medal of CryoFellow just over a decade ago in recognition of members of the society and individuals from the cryobiology community at large who have had an outstanding impact on the field.
CryoFellows are awarded this prestigious status in recognition of: scientific impact of their research on cryobiology (50%); sustained nature of that impact (20%); generation of scientific offspring (20%); and service to the Society (10%).
There is no formal application form on which to make the nomination, but the documents you provide the committee should be of sufficient depth to support the candidate's contributions to the categories mentioned above in a clear and demonstrable way. Usually this will mean inclusion with the nomination:
(1) Supporting letters from members of the Society or other major contributors to cryobiology (including one from the nominator); and
(2) a detailed resume for the nominee. I suggest you contact the proposed CryoFellow to discuss their nomination before proceeding and to obtain the resume from the nominee.
Please note the nominated individual must be living at the time that he or she is nominated.
If there is someone you would like to nominate, or you would like to have an informal discussion before proceeding with nomination, please email me at [email protected].
The Royan Institute is a non-profit research institute for reproductive biomedicine and infertility treatments in Tehran, Iran. On February 14, 2018 they are holding their second Cryobiology and Biobanking Symposium.
Dr. Jason Acker, immediate Past President of the Society for Cryobiology will be speaking, along with a number of local cryobiology and biobanking experts.
For more information please contact:
Vahid Asgari, PhD
Intl' Business Affairs
Consultant and Instructor
[email protected]
As cryobiologists, we are entering a new era when cryobiology has a unique and significant contribution and impact on almost every major biomedical research and application area. A once opaque science shrouded in mystery (and liquid nitrogen vapors!) has captured the attention of the public through mainstream news articles on tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, artificial organs, and tissue-organ transplantation. With this diverse range of applications and growing public acknowledgement, this is an exciting time for the field, its scientists and end users, and the Society for Cryobiology.
I inherit a Society whose productivity has flourished during the previous two years under the guidance of my predecessor, Dr. Jason Acker. I could not ask for a better springboard from which to begin my term as President.
Entomologist, Biologist or Cryobiologist, Post Doc
Location: Red River Valley Agricultural Research Center
Closing Date: February 2, 2018
Link: https://www.cdcfoundation.org/jobs/entomologist-biologist-or-cryobiologist-post-doc-941
Company: Kite
Location: Santa Monica, CA, USA
Closing Date: Open until filled
Incoming 2018 Board Members
Entry for the CRYO2018 Student Awards and Travel Grants is now open.
Download application form.
The Cryogenic Society of America is offering a series of free cryogenic safety webinars during January and February 2018.
The topics are:
The International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) and the American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Certification (ASCP BOC) announced on December 11, 2017, that they have reached an agreement to develop a new Biobanking Practitioner Qualification.
ASCP BOC offers qualifications for medical laboratory professionals and has certified more than half a million people since its inception in 1928.
ISBER, established more recently in 1999, represents professionals in biological and environmental biorepositories.
From early 2019 ISBER members who fulfil certain educational and experience requirements will be able to sit an online examination to recognize their biobanking skills.
ISBER President, Zisis Kozlakidis, said, "Improving the quality of biobanking practices is essential to improving research outcomes, especially in the fields of translational and precision medicine. With this new qualification we will be able to advance the science of biobanking to the level required to support future healthcare breakthroughs."
Time is running out to vote in the motion put to all members to revise the Society's bylaws. Voting closes December 31, 2017 at 23:59 ET.
Read the revised bylaws and the summary of changes.
All members in good standing should have received by now several emails with instructions for online voting. If you have not received these emails please check your spam/junk folder and then contact us.
The revised bylaws currently before the members are the culmination of approximately three years work, and at least 10 years of discussion by the Board of Governors. The past year in particular has seen outstanding progress by a special bylaws working group chaired by current President, Jason Acker. This group has worked tirelessly alongside Maryland Nonprofits, an association for Maryland nonprofit associations, to update our ageing bylaws, which currently date from 1995.
The members of the bylaws working group in full are: Jason Acker (chair), Ed Kordoski (Executive Director), Greg Fahy (governor), and Society members Elena Salvaterra, Andy Picken, and Steve Mullen.
President-Elect and chair of the nominating committee, Dayong Gao, offers his congratulations to the winning candidates of the Society for Cryobiology election.
After you've read all about the winners, please take a moment to renew your membership for 2018, if you have not already done so.
Serean Adams, pictured at Cawthron Aquaculture Park in Nelson, New Zealand.
Society Governor, Dr. Serean Adams, was in the news after speaking about the future and challenges facing aquaculture at New Zealand's recent industry conference held in Nelson, New Zealand.
Dr. Adams, who completed her PhD under Cryobiology Editor-in-Chief, Prof. David Rawson, is now Aquaculture Group Manager at Cawthron Institute, New Zealand's largest independent science organisation, specialising in science that supports the environment and development within primary industries.
Read the full article to see what Serean has to say about the future of marine cryobiology.
Guest Post and Photos by Estefania Paredes | Photo Gallery courtesy of Alasdair Kay
Student Positions in reproductive biology, biophysics, and mathematical biology.
First Row: Adam Higgins, Tiantian Zhang, Zhiquan (Andy) Shu, Yuansheng (Tony) Tan
Second Row: Yuksel Agca, Ido Braslavsky, Ram Devireddy, Igor Katkov
Third Row: Peter Kilbride, Krishnaa Mahbubani, Estefania Paredes, Barbara Reed
Fourth Row: Peter Wilson, Erik Woods, Gang Zhao
This year's Society for Cryobiology election is for the elected executive officer positions of President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer for a two year term (2018-2019) and three Governor-at-Large positions for a three year term (2018-2020).
Download candidate biographies and vision statements
The election will open for voting on Monday October 23, 2017 for a two week period. Voting will be online. All current members of the Society will receive an email containing their personalized voting link before the election opens. No log in is necessary as each personalized link provides you with a one time use election ballot. Please check your ballot carefully before you submit as you are not able to edit your vote once it has been submitted. If you have not received your voting link by the time the election has opened please check your spam/junk email folder and then contact Nicole Evans.
Voting will close 23:59 US/Eastern Monday November 6, 2017.
The candidates in full are: