A stunning article in Science (Vol 380, Issue 6652; June 2023) featured a dozen Society for Cryobiology members including, Joseph Sushil Rao, Sebastian Giwa, Mehmet Toner, John Bischof, and Society President, Greg Fahy. The article focused on Dr. Sushil Rao at the University of Minnesota and the first successful transplant of vitrified, nanowarmed rat kidney. Using a mixture of cryoprotectants and iron particles, the kidney was cooled to -150°C and then rewarmed using a magnetic coil that flipped orientation 36,000 times per second. The recipient rat lived for 30 days with the transplant organ and the process was successfully repeated with four more rats.
This successful transplant of a whole organ marks a historic breakthrough in organ transplantation and hopefully, will lead the way to revolutionize human organ transplants and biobanking. Read more: