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Bylaws Revision Complete

Bylaws Revision Complete

A guest post by Jason Acker  
jason_ackerI would like to thank all of you for taking time to participate in the discussions and for voting on the proposed revisions to our Society’s bylaws.  As one of the important documents which guides who we are as a Society and how we choose to operate as an organization, our bylaws need to be up to date and reflect current best practices and laws governing not for profit corporations. The proposed changes were the culmination of more than a decade of discussion, debate and consultation with subject matter experts.

I am happy to report that the motion to ratify the revisions to the Society’s bylaws was carried. The final voter turnout was 59% (153/260 members), with 149 of the voters in favour of adopting the revised bylaws (57% of the membership as a whole). 

I would like to personally thank Jens Karlsson, John Armitage, Art Rowe, John Baust, the members of the Bylaws and Policies Working group (Greg Fahy, Steve Mullen, Andy Picken, Elena Salvaterra), Ed Kordoski, Nicole Evans, our advisors at Maryland NonProfits and all current and past members of the board who have contributed to making this outcome a reality.

I would like to acknowledge that throughout this process there were members who felt strongly that some of the proposed changes were not in the best interest of the Society.  I would like to assure you that your feedback was heard and that it was carefully considered.  Some of the feedback that was received that is not reflected in the revised bylaws will be included in the policies and procedures that are now a focus of the Working Group. 

Now that the Society has established a mechanism for reviewing and updating our bylaws, we should undertake a process to regularly review them and update and adapt them as needed to ensure that they reflect who we are as a Society and how we choose to deliver on the important mission for which our Society was established.

As I transition off of the board and assume my new role as a general member of the Society, I would like to thank all of your for your support during my tenure on the board and as your President. I look forward to continuing to engage with all of you at our scientific meetings and on the various committees and working groups that I may have the privilege of serving on with you.

View the Revised Bylaws
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