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ICYR at CRYO2017

ICYR at CRYO2017

The International Cryobiology Youth Researchers (ICYR) had a busy week at CRYO2017 with two social events and the opportunity to actively participate in learning how to chair a session during a symposium. 

On Saturday July 22 the ICYR held a dinner at the Fengda Hotel, which featured a range of Anhui province and other Chinese specialities. The food was an almost endless array of meat and fish and a number of us tasted chicken feet for the first time. Verdict: Spicy and less weird than expected! 

On Sunday afternoon the ICYR visited Anhui Museum and Maan Coffee Corner, a popular Hefei cafe. Special thanks to Fazil Panhwar, a graduate student of the University of Science and Technology of China, and member of the local organizing committee, who organized these two events. 

Students this year also had the chance to apply to become a student moderator. This initiative, started by the ICYR at CRYO2016, was so popular, we have decided to make it a regular feature of the ICYR activities. It gives students the opportunity to learn how to moderate a conference session in a hands on way, led by one or two experienced mentors.

If you'd like to take part in next year's ICYR activities in Madrid or enter the student awards and grants, make sure you renew your student membership for 2018 and keep an eye on facebook and your email for details in early 2018. Applications for the student awards and grants will be due at the end of March 2018, with the ICYR deadlines closer to the beginning of the meeting. 

Click the collage below for the high res image. 


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