August 1, 2022 | Noon - 5pm | MIT, Bush Room 10-105 or via Zoom
A celebration memorial event to honor Professor Ernie Cravalho will be held at MIT on Monday, August 1 from 12-5 pm EST. The event will be webcast and recorded. Featured speakers will include family members and friends as well as colleagues and former students who will describe Ernie’s many professional contributions and share personal memories. Contributions such as photos, recorded audio or video memories and/or written memories are welcome and encouraged. It may be possible for some of these to be included in the event itself. A website will be created to archive the recorded webcast as well as all contributions.
Please indicate your attendance preferences and whether or not you would like to contribute remarks or memories on this form.
To join the zoom/webcast:
Meeting ID: 948 0613 6079
Passcode: 552157