2018 Officers and Governors Transition
Incoming 2018 Board Members
First Row: Dayong Gao (President); Adam Higgins (President-Elect); Zhiquan (Andy) Shu (Treasurer)
Second Row: Erik Woods, Ido Braslavsky, Igor Katkov (Governors)
From January 1 Dayong Gao succeeds Jason Acker as President of the Society for Cryobiology. Adam Higgins, current treasurer assumes his new role as President-Elect, and newcomer to the Board, Zhiquan (Andy) Shu, replaces Adam as treasurer.
The Society's line up of Governors also changes, as we bid farewell to Barbara Reed, Wim Wolkers, and Gang Zhao who have reached the end of their three year term, and welcome newly elected board members Ido Braslavsky and Igor Katkov, and Erik Woods, who has been re-elected.
Follow Newsnotes over the coming months to get to know our new board members in a series of interviews.