Table of Contents
- Message from the President
- Cryo2013
- Events
- Vacancies
- Cryobiology Journal
Do you have any articles of interest, vacancies or opportunities to share? Please send to [email protected]
Message from The President
It’s been a busy time since the last newsletter, three months ago:
1. Meetings
a) The joint Society for Cryobiology-American College of Cryosurgery meeting took place aboard a cruise ship out of Miami January 2-7, with a respectable attendance of about 100, of which about 20% were members of the SFC. The meeting was very successful, with three days of formal papers, adequate time to explore the land attractions at the cruise ship stops, good food, and the usual attractions aboard a large cruise ship (shown right, celebrity cruise ship 'Constellation'). Personally, I was skeptical about holding a meeting aboard ship, but it worked well. The facilities for meetings were excellent, the support staff were professionals, and everything went smoothly. John Baust and his superb staff deserve a lot of credit for their carefully organized program, the high quality of the presentations, and the arrangements for space for private discussions (including the luxurious suite that John occupied). The SFC once enjoyed active participation of cryosurgeons in our meetings, and we somehow let that slip away. John is revitalizing the ACC, and the quality of the science presented by that segment of the joint meeting was superb. I’ll look forward to further joint meetings with this group and a return of the ACC members to our own SFC meetings. Based on this experience of having a meeting aboard a cruise ship, we might consider trying this for an SFC meeting. To my surprise it worked very well, and I would appreciate getting your comments about the possibility of having an SFC meeting in such a venue.
b) The 50th annual meeting of the SFC (July 28-41, Marriott Hotel, Bethesda, MD) is shaping up well, under the leadership of Eric James (Chair), Nucharin Songsasen (Co-chair, Scientific Committee), Budhan Pukazhenthi (Co-chair, Scientific Committee), Louis Cosentino, (Chair, Sponsors/Exhibitors/Vendors Committee), James Leef (Treasurer). With the large number of biotech companies, independent research facilities, universities, and government research institutes in the Washington, DC, area, the Organizing Committee feels that the CRYO2013 annual meeting could be of interest to a large population of local and regional scientists and this could translate into a highly successful meeting. Sessions are planned on the following: biochemistry and biophysics of cryobiology; toxicity, dynamics of cryoprotectants; cryo apoptosis; cryo medicine and cryosurgery; cryo logistics and the cold chain; hypothermic preservation for transplantation; hibernation; anhydrobiosis; lyophilization, spray drying, foam drying; cryoconservation of animals, plants, rare and endangered; cryo reproductive biology; cryo biopreservation; automated cryogenic storage. One topic that has been added recently is the Cryosphere. The SFC meetings formerly had regular attendees from the polar biology community, but that activity has fallen away. We are mounting an effort to revive this area at the SFC, and to this end Professor Andrew Clarke of the British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, will give a keynote address. Plans are being made to follow this up with a full symposium on the Cryosphere at the 2014 meeting. See for details.
c) The 2014 meeting will be a joint meeting with the Society for In Vitro Biology (May 29-June 4, 2014, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Savannah, GA). Jason Acker, the Program Chair for the SFC worked tirelessly to arrange this meeting, for which we are grateful. Details of what is being planned will be made public as the time gets closer. If you have suggestions about topics for that meeting that you would like to see covered, please send them along.
2. Administrative Support
a) Support for the newsletter and website were taken over some months ago by David Rawson’s office, with Christie Roman providing the hands-on support. She has done a superb job; the website has been completely redesigned and now looks very professional ( You will also note that the redesigned website includes a whimsical logo that many of us admired at the Rosario meeting, where it was used on the promotional material. It was designed by a young Argentinean designer, Julia Rodriguez, who has graciously given us permission to use it on informal materials like the website and newsletter. Regrettably, Christie is moving on to another position at the University of Bedfordshire. We will miss her.
b) The contract with Portland for other administrative support will be terminated July 1, 2013, by mutual agreement. After some discussion among the Executive Committee, we approached David Rawson about taking on these additional duties. It seems that this approach will work well. We will be able to transfer the funds that were going to Portland to the editorial office to pay for the increased workload, and we will, for the first time in a long while, have the support functions collected in a single office. That will provide much needed stability and make possible day to day oversight that has been lacking with our former arrangements. We are grateful to David and the editorial staff for taking this on.
c) The contract with Elsevier for publication of the journal has been under review for some months by everybody concerned. We are nearing the end of those discussions, with a very favorable outcome. Elsevier has been an excellent partner, and we look forward to a continued association with that company.
We’ll see you in Bethesda in July for a landmark meeting—our 50th! John H. Crowe President
Cryo 2013

Update on plans for the 50th annual meeting of the Society for Cryobiology, CRYO2013.
Plans are crystallizing and propagating and CRYO2013 promises to be a truly outstanding meeting on many levels. For the latest information please consult the CRYO2013 website,
- The abstract submission page is open and ready to receive your abstracts.
- The hotel reservation link is open for you to take advantage of the discounted rates at the conference venue hotel.
- And by the time you read this, the registration form will be up and running.
Important deadlines to note:
March 22nd is the deadline for applications for the student awards:
- The Society’s Student Travel Award ($1,000),
- JK Critser Travel Award ($2,500),
- Student Poster Award ($500)
- PJ Steponkus Crystal Award ($1,000).
Please click on the link for the awards application form.
April 30th is the deadline for submission of Abstracts. Please click on the link for the abstract application form.
June 1st is the deadline for early registration for the meeting, at discounted rates.
The scientific program is at an advanced planning stage – click on the link for an overview of the preliminary meeting structure and the symposia. To date, the symposia include:
- Enabling technologies in cryomedicine
- Ice crystal inhibition and antifreeze proteins
- Advances in cryopreservation of gametes and embryos
- The Consequences to Living Biological Cells of the Behavior of Water During Deep Supercooling, Vitrification, Devitrification, and Recrystallization
- Genomic, proteomic and Bioinformatics approaches in cryopreservation
- Cryopreservation and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) - Meeting Industrial and Regulatory Demands
- Past and future of cryomicroscopy
- Advances in cryopreservation of invertebrate and aquatic species
- Biobanking – Biomarkers of quality
- Anhydrobiosis and Freeze Drying
- Advances in cryopreservation of plants
- Emerging technologies in cryobiology and cell preservation
- Polar biology
- Biobanking workshop.
Eric James Organizing Committee
Training Course: The AQUAGAMETE COST Action ( is pleased to announce the 1st AQUAGAMETE Training School, aimed at young researchers (PhD students, young post-docs and MSc students) as well as representatives from industry. The course will be focused on techniques for germline cryobanking covering topics such as:
- Gamete cryopreservation
- Post-thaw quality evaluation
- Germline biotechnology
- Cryopreservation applications
- Basic knowledge on cell cryopreservation
The course will take place between 13 - 17th May 2013 at the Institute of Marine Sciences of Andalucía (ICMAN.CSIC, Cádiz, Spain) in collaboration with the University of León (ULe) and the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). The number of participants will be restricted to 15 persons. Financial support from the AQUAGAMETE COST Action (for travelling and accommodation) will be available for students. The application deadline is 22nd March.
For more information click here.
IIR Workshop on Cryoprocessing of Biopharmaceuticals and Biomaterials
The International Institute of Refrigeration Workshop on Cryoprocessing of Biopharmaceuticals and Biomaterials, is to be held 4th and 5th September 2013 in Desden, Germany.
This workshop aims to provide an interdisciplinary scientific platform for a dialog and exchange of experiences between R&D-institutes and industry. The ILK Dresden and the Vienna University of Technology as the initiators and organizers of the workshop would like to invite all of you who have interest in that field to come to Dresden, Germany. For more information please visit
Mini-Symposium - Nano-Thermal Medicine - Bench Top to Bed Side: Challenges and Opportunities
A mini-symposium on "Nano-Thermal Medicine - Bench Top to Bed Side: Challenges and Opportunities" is being organized as part of the 75th anniversary celebrations of the Heat Transfer Division at the 2013 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, in Minneapolis, MN. This mini-symposium is being organized by Dr. Sankha Bhowmick (University of Massachusetts), Dr. Bumsoo Han (Purdue) and Dr. Ram Devireddy (Louisiana State University) and will include invited lectures/presentations from researchers specializing in the following areas:
- Nanoscale Heat Transfer (Measurement, Models and Applications) or Heat Transfer around Nanostructure in Biological Settings
- Quantitative Imaging and Diagnosis using Nanoparticles
- NanoMaterials in Bioengineering (Choice, Selection, Fabrication and Use thereof) or Synthesis of Functional Nanostructures
- Delivery of NanoBioMaterials (Selective Targeting, "turn-on" and "turn-off" switches) or Mass Transport of Nanoparticles for Diagnosis and Drug Delivery
- Current Clinical Techniques in Nanothermal Medicine (Advantages and Limitations)
- Clinical/FDA/Translational Challenges (Regulatory Challenges)
Rationale: Recent developments of nanotechnology enable a wide variety of nanostructures, whose properties can be tailored for diagnosis, imaging and treatment of diseases. These nanostructures include liposomes, polymer micelles, dendrimers, drug nanocrystals, quantum dots, magnetic nanoparticles, gold nanoparticles/nanoshells, nanorods, nanotubes, and drug-polymer conjugates (collectively referred to as NPs here). However, these structures are primarily characterized for their static properties including size, surface charge, thickness and hydrophobicity of surface coatings, and conjugation properties. Thus, their in vivo behaviors, which are critically affected by complex interactions with the surrounding cells, fluid and extracellular matrix, are not well understood. Xenograft models have been essential platforms to characterize the in vivo behavior of the NPs. However, xenograft models only provide the net result of complex processes in vivo, making it difficult to establish mechanistic understanding of the NPs' behavior in vivo. In order to properly design effective nano-therapuetics, thus, new characterization methods are highly desired which can predict the in vivo heat and mass transport processes around the NPs in biological settings.
Post Doc Cryobiology
A post-doc position in Cryobiology is available at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Linköping, Sweden. The post focuses on vitrification for a non-Swedish Phd (biology, vet med, medicine etc). Click here to find out more.
Cryobiology Journal
Vol. 66., issue 2, pp85-200 (April 2013)
Review Article
- Controlled ice nucleation in cryopreservation – A review
G. John Morris, Elizabeth Acton
Letters to the Editor
- Ezrin and its emerging role in tumor progression in systemic malignancies
Shailendra Kapoor
- Ezrin and its emerging role in tumor progression: Response
Martin J. Mangino, Tao Tian, Susanne L. Lindell
- Effect of renal embolization and cryoablation on regulatory T cells in advanced renal cell carcinoma
Abhinav Sidana
Regular Articles
- Response of the cell membrane–cytoskeleton complex to osmotic and freeze/thaw stresses. Part 2: The link between the state of the membrane–cytoskeleton complex and the cellular damage
Vishard Ragoonanan, Rebekah Less, Alptekin Aksan
- Alleviating visceral cancer pain in patients with pancreatic cancer using cryoablation and celiac plexus block
Lizhi Niu, Yu’e Wang, Fei Yao, Changqun Wei, Yuxian Chen, Li Zhang, Jibing Chen, Jialiang Li, Jiansheng Zuo, Kecheng Xu
- Extended cold storage of cultured hepatocytes impairs endocytic uptake during normothermic rewarming
P. Hovanyecz, E.E. Guibert, J.M. Pellegrino, J.V. Rodriguez, V. Sigot
- Clinical efflux of cryoprotective agents from vitrified human articular cartilage
Hana Yu, Khaled K. Al-Abbasi, Janet A.W. Elliott, Locksley E. McGann, Nadr M. Jomha
- Can permeable super oxide dismutase mimetic agents improve the quality of frozen–thawed ram semen?
Mohsen Forouzanfar, Saman Fekri Ershad, Sayyed Morteza Hosseini, Mehdi Hajian, Somaye Ostad-Hosseini, Abdolah Abid, Marziee Tavalaee, Abdolhossein Shahverdi, Ahmad Vosough Dizaji, Mohammad Hossein Nasr Esfahani
- Use of the new preservation solution Custodiol-N supplemented with dextran for hypothermic machine perfusion of the kidney
Anja Gallinat, Bastian Lüer, Sandra Swoboda, Ursula Rauen, Andreas Paul, Thomas Minor
- Cryopreservation of insulin-secreting INS832/13 cells using a wheat protein formulation
Mélanie Grondin, Isabelle Robinson, Sonia Do Carmo, Mohamed A. Ali-Benali, François Ouellet, Catherine Mounier, Fathey Sarhan, Diana A. Averill-Bates
- Forskolin improves the cryosurvival of in vivo-derived porcine embryos at very early stages using two vitrification methods
J. Gomis, C. Cuello, J. Sanchez-Osorio, M.A. Gil, I. Parrilla, M.A. Angel, J.M. Vazquez, J. Roca, E.A. Martinez
- Effects of different concentrations of BHT on microscopic and oxidative parameters of Mahabadi goat semen following the freeze–thaw process
Hamid Reza Naijian, Hamid Kohram, Ahmad Zare Shahneh, Mohsen Sharafi, Mustafa Numan Bucak
- Gelation in protein extracts from cold acclimated and non-acclimated winter rye (Secale cereale L. cv Musketeer)
Ze Long Lim, Nicholas H. Low, Barbara A. Moffatt, Gordon R. Gray
- Taxonomic characterization, adaptation strategies and biotechnological potential of cryophilic yeasts from ice cores of Midre Lovénbreen glacier, Svalbard, Arctic
Purnima Singh, Masaharu Tsuji, Shiv Mohan Singh, Utpal Roy, Tamotsu Hoshino
- Isothermal vitrification methodology development for non-cryogenic storage of archival human sera
Rebekah Less, Kristin L.M. Boylan, Amy P.N. Skubitz, Alptekin Aksan
- Viscosities of the ternary solution dimethyl sulfoxide/water/sodium chloride at subzero temperatures and their application in cryopreservation
Shaozhi Zhang, Xiaoyi Yu, Zhaojie Chen, Guangming Chen
Brief Communications
- Hypotonic treatment prior to freezing improves cryoresistance of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) spermatozoa
Borys Dzyuba, Jacky Cosson, Gunes Yamaner, Olga Bondarenko, Marek Rodina, David Gela, Volodymir Bondarenko, Anna Shaliutina, Otomar Linhart
- Forced collapse of the blastocoel enhances survival of cryotop vitrified bovine hatching/hatched blastocysts derived from in vitro fertilization and somatic cell nuclear transfer
Sung-Hun Min, Enok Lee, Hyeong-Hoon Son, Ji-Yeong Yeon, Deog-Bon Koo