- President's Message
- Notes from the Director's Desk
- Membership Renewal
- Fellow Nominations
- New Members
- Cryobiology Journal
Membership Renewal
Brand new online renewal forms await your eager mouse click!
You'll need your username, shown below, to login.
Your username:

If you've already renewed, thank you.
Nominations for Cryo-Fellows
We are now seeking nominations for the 2017 Society for Cryobiology Cryo-Fellows program. Cryo-Fellows receive the Luyet Medal which is the highest honour that the Society can bestow on a member.
If you would like to nominate someone for consideration in 2017, please contact Dr. Jason Acker or Dr. Dayong Gao for application details.
New Members
Since our last newsletter we warmly welcome the following new members:
Australia Rebecca Hobbs
China Xi Chen ZeLing Lei YuFang Li
Germany Ina Meiser
India Namrata Kumari
We trust that you will enjoy and benefit from your new membership!
Do you have any news, reviews, articles, vacancies or training opportunities to share in the March newsletter?
If so please email [email protected]
2016 Officers
Executive Director Ed Kordoski
President Jason Acker
President-Elect Dayong Gao
Past-President Erik J. Woods
Secretary Yuksel Agca
Treasurer Adam Higgins
2016 Board of Governors
Serean Adams W. John Armitage Robert Ben James D. Benson Gloria D. Elliott Jens O. M. Karlsson Barbara M. Reed Willem Wolkers Gang Zhao

President's Message
As we near the end of 2016 and look forward to what 2017 will bring us personally and professionally, it is a good opportunity for Ed and myself to remind you of a number of important events and activities that you should look forward to in 2017.
Membership Renewal and Donation
Membership renewal for 2017 is now available and as part of this year’s revamp of the process we are excited to announce that we have launched online application and renewal forms, as well as an online donation form for members who wish to make a financial contribution to the Society. This replaces the 'sustaining' member membership category, which comprised membership dues and a set donation. We believe this is a fairer and more flexible way ahead for the future, putting you firmly in control of your giving, as you can nominate any donation amount.
As you prepare your year end tax filings, please do consider a donation to the Society for Cryobiology.
Board of Governors
At the end of every year, it is also our opportunity to say thank you to those members who have completed their service on the Society’s Board of Governors and to welcome the new members who are joining the Board.

Starting Jan 1, we welcome Dr. Greg Fahy to the Board. Dr. Fahy, a well known figure in the world of cryobiology, is the Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer of 21st Century Medicine, based in Fontana, California. Last year he was named a Fellow of the Society.
We also welcome Dr. Tiantian Zhang back to the Board after a short break. Dr. Zhang is an old hand at Society governance, having held the role of Governor-at-Large from 2013-2015. She is also well known to the Society's editorial staff, having completed her doctoral thesis under the supervision of current Cryobiology editor, David Rawson. She currently heads the graduate school of Bournemouth University in the UK.
Sadly we must farewell outgoing board members Dr. John Armitage and Dr. Gloria Elliott.
Dr. Armitage, one of the Associate Editors of Cryobiology, is based at the Bristol Eye Hospital/Bristol University in the UK. He is the Director of the Bristol Eye Bank and the Bristol Heart Valve Bank, which supply corneas and heart valves to patients throughout the UK.
Dr. Elliott, based at the University of North Caroline in Charlotte, has been an invaluable member of the Board for the past 6 years, having served as treasurer from 2010-2013 and as a Governor-at-Large from 2014-2016. As treasurer, Gloria was instrumental in simplifying the society's accounting practices, and adeptly leading the Society’s through a US tax audit. Feats which hold us in good stead today.
Last but not least, Dr. James Benson is ending his 2014-2016 term as Governor-at-Large but leaping straight back in for a second 3-year term, after seeking re-election. Dr. Benson is a biomathematician who has recently relocated to the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. James has led the Society’s student awards committee for a number of years, which organises and oversees the Peter L Steponkus Crystal Award and the John Critser Travel award, as well the student travel grants to help students from around the world attend our annual meeting.
I look forward to working with the new Board members on what is shaping up to be a very busy and exciting 2017.
Happy New Year and all the best in 2017.
Sincerely, Jason
Notes from the Director's Desk

The end of the calendar year and beginning of the new one is usually a very hectic time. I am sure most of us are renewing our memberships in our clubs, associations, and professional societies. Now is the time to renew your 2017 SfC membership.
Your membership gives you an electronic subscription to the Cryobiology journal, zero page charges when publishing in Cryobiology, reduced registration fees to the annual conference, the quarterly SfC newsletter, the right to sponsor new member applications, and the right to participate in Society governance by voting and holding office. These benefits far outweigh the minimal cost of membership. For example, publishing 3 pages in Cryobiology costs $105.00, but membership costs only $75.00 with page charges all free! That alone is a $40.00 savings for just three pages.
Personally as a scientist I feel it is my duty to support my professional society and the science that provides my livelihood. I hope you feel the same and will renew your 2017 SfC membership now during this time of tremendous Society revitalization. I also hope you will engage and participate in the many changes taking place in the SfC.
This is also the time we support our various causes and take advantage of tax deductions for 2016 and/or 2017. The Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and charitable organization so your donations are tax deductible. I hope when you renew your SfC membership that you take advantage of our enhanced website and donate to the Society. Your donation will be used to support our mission to promote scientific research in low temperature biology, to improve scientific understanding in this field, and to disseminate and apply this knowledge to the benefit of mankind. Any size donation will be greatly appreciated.
Many of you are probably looking forward to and getting excited about next year’s 54th Annual Meeting in China. I know I am! Next year’s joint meeting with several Chinese Societies including the Chinese Cryobiology Society, Chinese Blood Transfusion Association, Chinese Primate Center, and Chinese Biomedical Engineering Society will be held in Hefei, China on July 20 – 24, 2017. Although the Scientific Program has not been fully developed, the theme for the conference is Cryopreservation and Biobanking for Advanced Research and Modern Agriculture and P4 Precision Medicine.
The conference will be held at the gorgeous Hefei International Conventional Center and Hotel. Accommodations will be at the 5-Star Hefei International Convention Center Hotel where room rates are far less than $100USD/night and include breakfast, room service, Wi-Fi, the fitness center, and many other amenities. A full social program is being planned and includes museums, sea world, ancient city tours, parks, and regional mountain tours. A day of post-conference tours of nearby Beijing, Shanghai, and the stunning Yellow Mountains are also being considered to take advantage of this unique opportunity and location, so plan now to bring the entire family or that significant other in your life and enjoy beautiful China!
This is an exciting time and I am very proud to be part of it. Best Wishes, Season’s Greetings, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!!
Sincerely, Ed Kordoski
Cryobiology Journal
Here's a quick glimpse inside this month's issue of Cryobiology, Vol. 73, issue 3.
Regular Articles
Effect of green tea (Camellia sinensis) extract and pre-freezing equilibration time on the post-thawing quality of ram semen cryopreserved in a soybean lecithin-based extender Mahdieh Mehdipour, Hossein Daghigh Kia, Abouzar Najafi, Hossein Vaseghi Dodaran, Olga García-Álvarez
Sensitivity of thermophysiological models of cryoablation to the thermal and biophysical properties of tissues Jun Y. Chan, Ean H. Ooi
Development of sperm cryopreservation protocol of endangered spiny eel, Mastacembelus armatus (Lacepede 1800) for ex-situ conservation M. Mahfujur Rahman, M. Rahmat Ali, M. Rafiqul Islam Sarder, M. Fazlul Awal Mollah, Najmus Sakib Khan
The use of antifreeze protein type III for vitrification of in vitro matured bovine oocytes Dowglish F. Chaves, Iana S. Campelo, Mirelly M.A.S. Silva, Maajid H. Bhat, Darcio I.A. Teixeira, Luciana M. Melo, Joanna M.G. Souza-Fabjan, Pascal Mermillod, Vicente J.F. Freitas
Sensitivity of photosynthetic processes to freezing temperature in extremophilic lichens evaluated by linear cooling and chlorophyll fluorescence Josef Hájek, Miloš Barták, Jana Hazdrová, Marie Forbelská
Improved development by melatonin treatment after vitrification of mouse metaphase II oocytes Yue Zhang, Wei Li, Yongshun Ma, Dian Wang, Xiaoxue Zhao, Changjun Zeng, Ming Zhang, Xianyin Zeng, Qinggang Meng, Guangbin Zhou
Combined effect of permeant and non-permeant cryoprotectants on the quality of frozen/thawed chicken sperm Fabio Mosca, Manuela Madeddu, Ahmad Abdel Sayed, Luisa Zaniboni, Nicolaia Iaffaldano, Silvia Cerolini
Bovine epididymal spermatozoa: Resistance to cryopreservation and binding ability to oviductal cells A.T.M. Cunha, J.O. Carvalho, N.R. Kussano, C.F. Martins, G.B. Mourão, M.A.N. Dode
Replacement of serum with ocular fluid for cryopreservation of immature testes Lavanya Pothana, Lalitha Devi, Naresh Kumar Venna, Niharika Pentakota, Vivek Phani Varma, Jedy Jose, Sandeep Goel
The effect of Me2SO overexposure during cryopreservation on HOS TE85 and hMSC viability, growth and quality Timothy J. Morris, Andrew Picken, Duncan M.C. Sharp, Nigel K.H. Slater, Christopher J. Hewitt, Karen Coopman
Direct comparison of Cryotop® vitrification and Bicell® freezing on recovery of functional rat pancreatic islets Takahiro Yamanaka, Kazuya Tashima, Rio Takahashi, Seiji Takashima, Teppei Goto, Masumi Hirabayashi, Shinichi Hochi
The role of amides in seminal cryopreservation of wild silverside, Odontesthes bonariensis Juliana P. Alves, Carine D. Corcini, Estela F. Silva, Josie S. Caldas, Tainã F. Cardoso, Sergio R.N. Piedras, Rodrigo D. Jardim, Antonio S. Varela Junior
Pretreatment of Addra gazelle (Nanger dama ruficollis) spermatozoa with cholesterol-loaded cyclodextrins improves cryosurvival Jessye Wojtusik, Parker Pennington, Nucharin Songsasen, Luis R. Padilla, Scott B. Citino, Budhan S. Pukazhenthi
Brief Communications Three-dimensional printing with polylactic acid (PLA) thermoplastic offers new opportunities for cryobiology Terrence R. Tiersch, William T. Monroe
Abstracts Abstracts presented at CRYO2016, the 53rd annual conference of the Society for Cryobiology, held 24-27 July 2016 in Ottawa, Canada.