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Royan Cryobiology Symposium

Royan Institute Cryobiology and Biobanking Symposium 

The Royan Institute held their second cryobiology and biobanking symposium on Feb. 14, 2018, in Tehran, Iran.

The Royan Institute was established in 1991 as a public non-profit research institute for reproductive biomedicine and infertility treatments. Today Royan consists of three research institutes: 

  • Royan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Technology (RI-SCBT)
  • Royan Institute for Reproductive Biomedicine (RI-RB)
  • Royan Institute for Biotechnology (RI-B)   

The recent symposium covered advances in basic and applied cryobiology in reproductive biomedicine and stem cells, encompassing cryotechnology, methodology, chemistry, biophysics, cord blood stem cells, and human and animal biobanking. 

16 presentations were given during the one day symposium, including two presentations by invited speaker and Society for Cryobiology immediate Past-President, Jason Acker.  

Society for Cryobiology members Rohoullah Fathi, Mohsen Sharafi, and Maryam Hezavehei, acted as chair, scientific secretary, and executive secretary respectively. 

Download the Symposium Program 

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